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Extramural Sports for 7th and 8th graders

7th & 8th grade Girls and Boys Volleyball and Tennis Tryouts 

7th & 8th Grade Boys Volleyball tryouts will be held Mon, 09/30 at 7:30am.

7th & 8th Grade Girls Volleyball tryouts will be held Tues, 10/01 at 7:30am

                           7th & 8th Grade Girls and Boys Tennis tryouts will be held on Wed, 10/2 at 7:45am

All students must have all their forms uploaded in RankOne and verbal approval by Coach Kanter prior to tryouts.

Email Coach Kanter with questions:


Fall Soccer Schedule (games highlighted in yellow are HOME games)


All students participating in extramural sports must fill out paperwork (links provide below) and MUST have a physical prior to tryouts or they will not be able to participate. 


Athletic Paperwork Info


Position Staff

Extramural Leader       

Coach Kanter
Soccer Coach Bass
Tennis Coach Milligan
Gymnastics Coach TBD
Volleyball – Boys Coach Bass
Volleyball – Girls Coach Delarosa & Coach Hwang
Basketball – Boys Coach Bass
Basketball – Girls Coach Reed
Track-Boys Coach Bass
Track-Girls Coach Delarosa 





Intramural Leader       Bass

Soccer                  Bass

Fall Tennis                Milligan

Winter Girls Basketball    Reed

Winter Boys Basketball     Bass

Spring Tennis                    Kanter 


Coaches Contact Information

Athletic Director - Coach Kanter - 

Soccer - Coach Bass -

Boys Volleyball - Coach Bass -

Girls Volleyball - Coach Delarosa - & Coach Hwang -

Tennis - Coach Milligan - 

Boys Basketball - Coach Bass-

Girls Basketball - Coach Bass-

Boys Track- Coach Bass-

Girls Track- Coach Delarosa -