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Student Dress Code

Student Dress Code

All students will be dressed appropriately and ready for instruction for the day. Students are expected to dress to reflect neatness, cleanliness and safety. All students shall dress appropriately so as not to disrupt or interfere with the educational program or the orderly operation of the school. Extremes in dress will not be permitted.

All Clothing

• You may not wear clothing that depicts gangs, alcohol, drugs, profane language, or violence.

  • Blankets are not permitted at school.


• Undergarments must be covered by tops and tank top straps.

· Stomachs/midriff must be covered. No crop tops.


• Pants and shorts must be worn at or above the hips and may not sag.

· Pants, shorts, and skirts must always cover underwear and backside while standing, sitting, and walking.


The principal or other duly authorized school officials shall determine whether any mode of dress or grooming results in a violation of the spirit and/or the intent of this rule. Parents may be called to bring a change of clothing, if necessary. Students without a change of clothing or whose parent cannot bring a change of clothing may remain in ISS for the remainder of the school day.


Consequences for violating dress code

Consequences for violating the dress code will first be handled through the Holcomb Bridge discipline cycle. Repeat offenders will receive additional consequences for insubordination according to the Fulton County Code of Conduct. The school dress code applies to all school activities unless otherwise noted.